Aug 1, 2011

As in the Expendables didn't have star power already


We already heard that Jean Claude Van Damme will be making his return to the big screen, after being absent throughout the 2000's, with the Expendables sequel.......I know found out that Chuck Norris and John Travolta will be appearing in this film.  We have now, the best action stars from the 80's, 90's and now the 70's.  I'm not talking about Travolta, who is good in his own right, but the legendary Chuck Norris, the man that was kicking ass with various films from the 70's, on.  Chuck is already in his 70's, but still looks great for his age, and even decades younger.  I believe the sequel will surpass the surprise hit of the first one.  Let's see how it goes.

Potter Breaks 1 million mark in 14 days

The final installment of Harry Potter, finally has broken the 1 million dollar mark, and the only one of the series to doing so in 14 days of release.  The one that was the highest grossing one, was the first one "Sorcerer's Stone" from 2001.  But also take into consideration the ticket prices from 10 years ago......obviously 3D/IMAX theaters weren't even around, nor were the inflated prices of today's tickets, which range between $10-$12, not including the additional 5-6 dollars for the 3D/IMAX options.  It may have broken many records in its scale to success, but already lost a lost of steam since the opening day, due to other competition such as Captain America and Cowboys and Aliens, to name a few.

Will I consider that the end of HP went with a giant bang.........NO!  Far from it if you ask me, but it was still better than most endings from other movies.  The movie barely was over 2 hours, the main bulk of the movie was already done in Death Hallows 1.  But Deathly Hallows 2 did end with a 25 minute, or so, assault of Hogwarts, by Voldemort and crew.  The climactic end between good and evil, ended the same way as in Goblet of Fire, with a wand fight, in which Harry, ended up winning, and Voldi, going up in ashes.  In the past, I felt that Goblet of Fire was really cut short from what should have been and felt rushed, DH2 takes that feeling and places it on itself.  This movie, though good, I still rate at 7.5.  Had they left the rumored cut scenes, especially the memory scenes from Snape's past, this would have been made into a better movie.  Had they made the fights between Voldi/HP and Bellatrix/Molly fights longer, it would have made a difference.  The death scenes of some memorable characters were either cut short, or not seen at all.  Frankly, an additional 15 minutes would have sufficed enough to feed the curiosities of Potter fans, leaving them satisfied well knowing that the end of an era, has gone up with fireworks galore, instead of the feeling that, it was well enough, but could be better.

In all, good movie, fast pace, and a good job.  Snape finally is seen in the good light for the first time in 10 years, and has many poster, posting, Alan Rickman for an Oscar nod.......he, was in fact, the best actor in this series.  Daniel, played an awesome HP. Rupert's faces, funny as heck for some comedic relief.  Emma, acting did get better, and moreso without the weird eyebrow thingy she was doing around Goblet of Fire.  Maggie Smith, can't complain at all.  Brendan Gleeson, wonderful supporting character as ever.  Michael Gambon, missed, but will never be forgotten as Dumbledore.

May 21, 2011

Where the fuck is the rapture???

Ok...enough with the monkey business here.  But I will elaborate on a little secret, that is known, to those that are bible reader, and firm believers of God.  This goes to all monotheists out there.  The end of days and times, is only known to one being, and that is God, Allah, or YHWH.  No one else......not even his begotten son/prophet, Jesus (Yeshua).  What arrogance, for any asshole, false prophet bastard, to claim, that they know more than Jesus, or try to make themselves as an equal to Elohim, that is arrogance.  Now, with the May 21, 2011 prediction by some dried up bastard Harold Camping, has come and gone.....what now?  You lost face, and lost any credibility you had.  I knew first hand, that nothing would happen, and why.......I have no faith in any man walking this planet to make any religious claims that they're a god, a prophet, or even a reincarnation of Jesus.  No man, will even come to being the size of a molecule to any of God's prophets, chosen people, much less God himself.

Jesus said it best, that there will be plenty of false prophets after him, only to misguide and to take people to perdition and lose their souls for an idiot that talks fancy.  I have no faith in fools like Camping, or some Brazilian shitbag that claims to be Jesus, or some asshole that claims there are golden tablets and that he could read them, or even a schizoid sci fi writer that claims he's a god.

May 5, 2011

What I think on the bin Laden bit.........

What I think, it's a damn piss poor failed attempt, at a re-election bid, if you ask me.  Last week, the POTUS, finally showed off some cheap ass, lame excuse of a Birth Certificate, that coincidentally, the doctor died years ago, so no live witness.  now, with the whole Osama bin Laden thing..........I believe bin Laden has been dead for over 5 years, still under that goofball, Dubya's, watch.  And now, after 10 or so years, this so called 'messiah' comes, and fixes all, and we're expected to eat that shit up.  I don't think so.  Having served in the US Army for nearly a decade, and learned other skills besides my primary MOS, I don't buy anything the damn media has to say.  Frankly, I served in a unit that are the propaganda for the military, so I can see through bullshit in seconds, and not be a god damned blind follower of any concocted story that this administration has done.  And where's the proof?  Oh, the autopsy was done, and all off a sudden, a hasty burial at sea, and no pics shown...............come on man!!!  As the saying goes in the internet lingo:  PICS or GTFO!  I don't buy into the story and fairy tales.  This is reality, not some kiddy story.  We're all grown adults, and not some damn, special ed. children that we believe into this. Having served, under my belt, I will clearly say, "the stories are false, there's no actual proof, the media is bought off, and where the fuck are the pics?"

Funny how Saddam Hussein's execution and his capture were all over the news and covered.  Or how the unrest in the Middle East is covered.  How Muammar Kadaffi's son's pic was posted all over the news.  Or how innocent people are executed if demands aren't met with terrorists.......yet, no pics, or any real coverage of the world's most wanted piece of shit's demise.  Please, Obama, you have to try harder, your people are letting you down severely.  And even the details of the events, and inside the supposed area, can be imitated by hiring SFX experts, like Lucio Fulci, Tom Savini, and the Raimi bros.  And Photoshop?  Any amateur can imitate those pics.

To reiterate......No proof.  Pics or GTFO.

May 1, 2011

Bin Laden's dead.....but not under Obama's watch

Obama's been dead for over 5 years, probably closer to 10 years is you ask me.  Barrack Obama, is trying to make himself out the hero, when he has done nothing to show forth.  Despite my time in service, I don't hold any kind of loyalty to hum or his family, I figure I'm old enough and grown up enough, to make decisions for myself, and not have to follow the sheeple into even so much, as respecting him.  Personally, I don't care for him, or the idiot before him.  I do believe, that Bin Laden was killed during Bush's regime in the early 2000's.  With this, "bin Laden's dead" bullshit, Obama's vying for another run in 2012, now that he supposedly showed his birth certificate to prove that he's a legally born US citizen.  I don't buy that either.  And the doctor, that supposedly was the physician that help bring him to the world, is conveniently dead.  Things, that make you wonder if you ask me.  Ever since Obama came to power, I've seen my tax returns dwindle, to the point of me owing the government money, as opposed to getting money back.  Obama, will not be president a second term, and has been more of a failure, than a success.
Who ever will be running against him, may get my vote, if not, I'd vote for Godzilla.  Since the new way of doing things, is voting foreigners into office, and Godzilla, being a foreign national (Japanese), he has a great shot of being our next president in the 2012 elections.

Apr 19, 2011

Demi Lovato seemingly, quits Sonny With a Chance

Despite Disney rumors, that the show would go on without Demi, apparently are true.  Sonny, Demi's namesake of the show, will be renamed to "So Random"", just like the show within the show.  Despite Demi saying and claiming that she decided to focus more into her music, and her recovery, this is just another PR method of saying "You're Fired!", since Demi's nervous breakdown caused her to lose reputation with the Disney higher ups.  I still pray for the best with Demi, and of course, this young lady can sing.  Of the Disney Princesses, she holds the best set of pipes of the 3, between Miley, and Selena Gomez.  She's a very attractive young lady, and can act as well.  She's not just another pretty face, She's Demi Devonne Lovato.  With her coming out truthfully, we should give her props for doing so, and showing that anyone, can have problems.

Mar 24, 2011

The AJC bitching about Miral, as one sided

The cause for my rant

Wow.....just wow on how all of a sudden, one little viewpoint, and the propaganda machine is already waging war, as reported in YAHOO.  They want to talk about what one sided is?  What about Germany after WW1 and WW2.  That's always been one sided.  Or what of the founding of the US?  Did the settle come in peace with the Native Americans, or did they come in with a political agenda, and nearly wiped out a proud people in genocide?  What of the Aztecs and Hernán Cortés?  Or Francisco Pizarro and the Incas?  Some of these individuals, have no idea of how one sided, many of these fabricated stories really are, and the "Crocodile Tears" that's shed for a sad events in WW2, and embellishing it and even, "stretching the truth" about it.

From Léon Degrelle's book: Epic-The Story of the Waffen SS
The conscientious Jewish author Lazare wrote a very interesting book on Anti-Semitism, where he asked himself: "We Jews should ask ourselves a question: why are we always hated everywhere? It is not because of our persecutors, all of different times and places. It is because there is something within us that is very unlikeable." What is unlikeable is that the Jews have always wanted to live as a privileged class divinely-chosen and beyond scrutiny. This attitude has made them unlikeable everywhere.
You want more one sided stories?  What of the Spanish Jews (sephardi) during WW2?  you never hear of them.  And why?  Francisco Franco, took hold of Spain after the Spanish Civil War between 1939-1975, a full, totalitarian government in those times.  Why is it then, that Ashkenazi Jews, don't even mention them as part of the genocide that Hitler did?  You want one sided?  Why is it that the towns of Dresden and Mannheim, who lost over 15K people-civilians mind you-in each of the towns, within 20 minutes of Allied bombings and assaults, and yet, this isn't mentioned in history books, nor considered genocide?  Think about it.

You want more:
Look up them names of:
Léon Degrelle
David Irving
Pat Buchanan
David Duke
Norman Finklestein (Yes, he's Jewish)

I'm no expert, just relaying names with this little blog.  Before getting any possible negative feedback....I'm of Spanish Jew/Amerindian/Galician/Mexican ancestry, meaning, I'm no Anti-Semite, just pro-truth.  I'm only against those that wield the power to spew venomous lies and deceit.  Not against any group as a whole.  Thank you.