Aug 6, 2010

New Pirahna Trailer

Aug 4, 2010

FDA sends in 12 supplements that are bad for you

 Story by:  Léon DeGrelle

The funny thing about the FDA, the outlaw supplements that, in the right amount were beneficial.  One such supplement, was Ephedra.  Why was it outlawed?  Besides stupidass, Dubya, signing a bill outlawing it back in 2004, and a judge reversing the outcome in 2006......the FDA passes pills and so called medicine, that in most cases, has more severe and adverse side effects than natural remedies, despite their advice to outlawing natural herbal remedies.  I mean, what is the FDA?  A bunch of doctors that are paid under the table, to recommend highly volatile drugs while securing a position within the same pharmaceutical companies, once they retire from government service within the FDA.  Here's a few examples:
Ortho Evra

And not to mention the Phen-Fen craze a few years ago for weight many cardiac arrests and health problems did that cause.  Picking on herbal remedies, that have a lot less adverse effects is plain stupid as they want to control and monopolize what goes into our bodies, if they don't approve of it first.  That to me, sounds more like a socialist plan in which they control what is beneficial to us.  What a great job they're doing, passing off highly dangerous drugs that give the general public health problems, and more medicines to counteract the other effects.  And all, for profit.  The FDA, really doesn't give two shits about the general public, and what they need.  Wonderful job on obesity there too.  Let's congratulate, a bunch of educated idiots, that make us more dependent of medications.  In fact, here's an article from consumer reports, on what the FDA see as a threat to their pharmaceutical colleagues, and their profits.
FDA's Dirty Dozen of dangerous natural remedies.