Despite Disney rumors, that the show would go on without Demi, apparently are true. Sonny, Demi's namesake of the show, will be renamed to "So Random"", just like the show within the show. Despite Demi saying and claiming that she decided to focus more into her music, and her recovery, this is just another PR method of saying "You're Fired!", since Demi's nervous breakdown caused her to lose reputation with the Disney higher ups. I still pray for the best with Demi, and of course, this young lady can sing. Of the Disney Princesses, she holds the best set of pipes of the 3, between Miley, and Selena Gomez. She's a very attractive young lady, and can act as well. She's not just another pretty face, She's Demi Devonne Lovato. With her coming out truthfully, we should give her props for doing so, and showing that anyone, can have problems.
Apr 19, 2011
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