Jul 12, 2010

Another loss for justice, as Polanski goes free.

 Story by:  Léon DeGrelle

Not exactly happy with the goddamn Swiss verdict, but what do you expect from a country that allows money laundering schemes, and protects tax evaders with its laws.  And it seems now that Switzerland also protect pedophiles evading justice.  I can, no, in fact, we as a whole here, are going to scratch the snooty French and money grubbing Swiss, off our places to see in Europe when we travel there.  But the only silver lining about Polanski's term of release, he is not to leave France and not travel anywhere, because if he's caught, his ass goes off to jail.  I hope he does get caught, and get what that POS deserves.


Anonymous said...

Switzerland is the greatest nation on earth and Polanski is one of the greatest Directors on Earth.

Léon DeGrelle said...

Switzerland has some nice areas and a lot of culture, but lack morality for letting a pedophile go. No matter how good a director is, he evaded justice, just as he evaded Hitler's crematoriums, or evaded Charlie Manson's crew. He's a runner. Jews are warriors, not cowards.