Story by: Sancho
This is about the best news for any movie as I've ever seen. I personally don't care about this movie, whatsoever. Despite the heavy promotion on TV, the promotions in San Diego Comic Con, 2 years in a row, and the propaganda associated with it. This is a Disney movie, and one of few that I really would love to see fail, due to the release date next to another anticipated movie from my part, Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Since Disney dropped the series about 2 years ago, due to the lackluster performance of Prince Caspian. It wasn't so much that it was a crappy movie, or was it bad, just the release date was bad, since PC headed against Iron Man and Indiana can't expect facing a movie against 2 juggernauts like that. It's plain stupid releasing a movie around bigger movies like that.
According to the sources mentioned, there was a survey taken on how popular this might be, and needless to say, the response, was less than ok, in fact, it was crappy to say the least. The movie is expected to make at least 35 million, far less than the 50+ million that hoped for. Already, the expenditures for are over 200 million, and Disney was and is, hoping to make this a franchise. But as it turns out, the Magic touch is not on this movie. I hope it fails myself. Serves Disney right to get rid of a good family series, for something that didn't produce back in 1982. Bottom line......if the movie barely made its money back, don't expect to revive the cult-followed movie to be a gold mine.
Nov 30, 2010
Middle Earth hits another snag
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
....and this time, with the allegations of racism. First we had MGM with financial woes, Then we had the great Guillermo del Toro quit, then the damn unions getting involved, then moving the locale due to the union unrest, and now this bullshit. And it all started with a Pakistani woman, bitching about racism, because the casting director, allegedly wanted "non dark skinned" actors to be hobbits. And for those that aren't familiar with JRR Tolkiens books or Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" series, then there's your answer. I won't go into further detail, but this is another damn snag into the progress of this film. And as fans figure "When is this damn movie going to be made?" That's a question that even I ask my self. SO what's the next snag? One of the main actors getting a DUI? Sir Ian McKellen (God forbid) falling ill?
....and this time, with the allegations of racism. First we had MGM with financial woes, Then we had the great Guillermo del Toro quit, then the damn unions getting involved, then moving the locale due to the union unrest, and now this bullshit. And it all started with a Pakistani woman, bitching about racism, because the casting director, allegedly wanted "non dark skinned" actors to be hobbits. And for those that aren't familiar with JRR Tolkiens books or Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" series, then there's your answer. I won't go into further detail, but this is another damn snag into the progress of this film. And as fans figure "When is this damn movie going to be made?" That's a question that even I ask my self. SO what's the next snag? One of the main actors getting a DUI? Sir Ian McKellen (God forbid) falling ill?
The Walking Dead....Biggest rating Nov 28, 2010
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
The series received 5.6 million viewers as reported from The AMC channels reports. It's up from the "Vatos" episode last week which received 4.8 million viewers. Like all that is good, things come to an end. On December 5, the first season will end, and like all that it's good, it's always cut short. But not to fret fans, more are on the way. 13 new episodes are on the way for next year. The ratings this past week, were slightly higher from the 5.3 million at it's debut. And this series, has become AMC's highest rated show.......EVER!
The series received 5.6 million viewers as reported from The AMC channels reports. It's up from the "Vatos" episode last week which received 4.8 million viewers. Like all that is good, things come to an end. On December 5, the first season will end, and like all that it's good, it's always cut short. But not to fret fans, more are on the way. 13 new episodes are on the way for next year. The ratings this past week, were slightly higher from the 5.3 million at it's debut. And this series, has become AMC's highest rated show.......EVER!
Irving Kershner dies........he was 87
Story by: Sancho
Mr. Kershner was a reknowned director, whose most famous movie, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, made him more famous than he was before. Kershner's other credits include, Sean Connery's last appearance as James Bond in Never Say Never Again, Robocop 2, and Up the Sandbox. Mr. Keshner was not only a friend, but a mentor to George Lucas, who championed Lucas' visions ever since THX 1138. Mr. Kershner passed away this past Saturday, and it wasn't until Monday, that the press release was given publicly. It was known, that Mr. Kershner had been battling lung cancer for the past 3 years. At least now we can say, he can rest in peace.
Mr. Kershner was a reknowned director, whose most famous movie, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, made him more famous than he was before. Kershner's other credits include, Sean Connery's last appearance as James Bond in Never Say Never Again, Robocop 2, and Up the Sandbox. Mr. Keshner was not only a friend, but a mentor to George Lucas, who championed Lucas' visions ever since THX 1138. Mr. Kershner passed away this past Saturday, and it wasn't until Monday, that the press release was given publicly. It was known, that Mr. Kershner had been battling lung cancer for the past 3 years. At least now we can say, he can rest in peace.
(1923-2010) |
Nov 28, 2010
RIP Leslie Nielsen
1926-2010 |
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
The iconic comedic legend, has died today. He died at 5:34 EST, surrounded by friends and family, after a complication from pneumonia. I wish this was a joke, but it isn't. This funny man, will be sorely missed by all. Even as I type, I'm getting a bit teary eyed. RIP, Mr. Nieslen.
Nov 24, 2010
Deathly Hallows Review
Review by: Léon DeGrelle
LD: First off I would like to say, this is nothing more than the "Calm before the Storm" and that this movie is just a preheating of the oven before putting in the main course. Few bits of action, a tad of comedy, alot of running, alot of growing up, a new way of learning about the reality of the wizard world, and Voldermort's further rise to power. There's no more than 15 minutes of action, but there's a lot of growing up to do in a very short amount of time. The reality of Horcruxes are more truer in this movie than ever before. This is just the trio's quest to find and destroy Horcuxes, and learning to destroy them, since they are difficult to destroy.
This movie will and is considered boring by the normal mentality of an action buff, so this movie is not for them, but this is just a warm up, the real action will commence, next July 2011. Deathly Hallows part 2, will be 10 years in the making and these 2 movies are what culminates into one epic battle against Voldemort and his DeathEaters, it will also mark the end of an era of the most successful series of all time as well. The action, though minimal, I really don't care aboout, though 2 deaths occur, Mad Eye is dead as well as Harry's pet, Hedwig. Voldermort, finally takes over the ministry using his puppets as heads and killing off, Rufus Scrimgeour. Dolores Umbridge, the bitch on wheels, makes a return but is easily taken care off by Potter.
All I can say, there's a lot of running and travelling, but maturity sets in the trio, as this "Road Trip" of sorts, grow up in the following months that eventually end in getting trapped by the Snatchers (Bounty Hunters under the current ministry to catch runaway wizards not willing to register) and sent to Malfoy Manor. But what got me in this movie, was Emma Watson's true ability to act shine in this movie. Long ago, was her runaway eyebrows, to finally end her acting perfectly blended during her torture scene by Bellatrix and bone chilling screams of pain. The trio, with a captured Luna and Ollivander end up escaping the clutches of the Death Eaters, with the help of a long lost friend, in Dobby, who's been absent since the Chamber of Secrets back in 2002. But his welcomed return ends in tragedy.
The cinematography is more superb, and equally as enchanting as Prisoner of Azkaban, since Alfonso Cuaron's formula of adding scenery, cinematography, art direction, and liveliness has been well emulated in this film, from the 2004 formula. Well done, and well acted form all parties involved.
Nov 13, 2010
Total Recal remake....with Colin Ferrell
Story by: Sancho
Total Recall is going to be remade as closely to the original short story as possible to Phillip K. Dick's version. As it was altered greatly, to fit the hulking Governator's wishes and desires. Well, the project is still in the works, with writing staff working and all the good stuff, only thing to that the remake has already been thought of, and the primary role already given to Colin Ferrell. Not my particualr choice for any movie role if you ask me, but at least Sam Worthington is not up for this movie.
Total Recall is going to be remade as closely to the original short story as possible to Phillip K. Dick's version. As it was altered greatly, to fit the hulking Governator's wishes and desires. Well, the project is still in the works, with writing staff working and all the good stuff, only thing to that the remake has already been thought of, and the primary role already given to Colin Ferrell. Not my particualr choice for any movie role if you ask me, but at least Sam Worthington is not up for this movie.
Unrepenting Foreign Invaders
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
The thing that really gets me, as these foreign invaders that come into their host nations, only to stir and cause problems. They fail to adapt to local customs or even fail to learn to speak the language after countless years in their new nation. I'm not talking about the illegal, and undocumented individuals form south of the border, but Islamic Jihadist, entering other sovereign nations, that are literally light years ahead in development, only to start their shit and start to disrespect customs of their host nation. Take for example this pic:
This is just a scene from a few days ago, in Britain, during a scheduled, 2 minutes of silence during Britain's, Armistice Day, when they started their rants of hate speech. Last as I recall, Britain was for Britons, and those that wish to adhere to Anglo-Saxon customs and traditions, not to spit upon the remembrance of soldiers that died to keep the freedoms of speech, that these assholes don't have back home, yet abuse it when they're in areas not native to them. I find it appalling, if individuals like these are allowed to enter other sovereign nations under false pretenses. An immediate expulsion should be sought and mediated, because these so-called peaceful demonstrations, may not be so peaceful when one or many decide to bombard civilian populated areas and kill innocent bystanders, for their "jihad".
They leave their homeland's to spread their false religion of peace, with ulterior motives to destroy Western civilization. Shame on our governments, by allowing such behavior on unwanted guests.
The thing that really gets me, as these foreign invaders that come into their host nations, only to stir and cause problems. They fail to adapt to local customs or even fail to learn to speak the language after countless years in their new nation. I'm not talking about the illegal, and undocumented individuals form south of the border, but Islamic Jihadist, entering other sovereign nations, that are literally light years ahead in development, only to start their shit and start to disrespect customs of their host nation. Take for example this pic:
This is just a scene from a few days ago, in Britain, during a scheduled, 2 minutes of silence during Britain's, Armistice Day, when they started their rants of hate speech. Last as I recall, Britain was for Britons, and those that wish to adhere to Anglo-Saxon customs and traditions, not to spit upon the remembrance of soldiers that died to keep the freedoms of speech, that these assholes don't have back home, yet abuse it when they're in areas not native to them. I find it appalling, if individuals like these are allowed to enter other sovereign nations under false pretenses. An immediate expulsion should be sought and mediated, because these so-called peaceful demonstrations, may not be so peaceful when one or many decide to bombard civilian populated areas and kill innocent bystanders, for their "jihad".
They leave their homeland's to spread their false religion of peace, with ulterior motives to destroy Western civilization. Shame on our governments, by allowing such behavior on unwanted guests.
Sonny with a Chance changes
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
With Demi being shelved in the meantime, Disney execs have figures a contingency plan to still make production of Sonny with A Chance, beginning in January of 2011, for its 3rd season. They figured, in case that Demi is still out of action, due to "physical and emotional" problems, that the rest of the cast of the show, will get a chance to shine. The show within the shoe "So Random!" as it's cast, will have to make due without the main star's presence if Demi's not able to return. But that's only if Demi returns that is. Past shows really can't live without the main star leading the way, and end up being canceled or placed in permanent hiatus. Only time will tell.
With Demi being shelved in the meantime, Disney execs have figures a contingency plan to still make production of Sonny with A Chance, beginning in January of 2011, for its 3rd season. They figured, in case that Demi is still out of action, due to "physical and emotional" problems, that the rest of the cast of the show, will get a chance to shine. The show within the shoe "So Random!" as it's cast, will have to make due without the main star's presence if Demi's not able to return. But that's only if Demi returns that is. Past shows really can't live without the main star leading the way, and end up being canceled or placed in permanent hiatus. Only time will tell.
Nov 11, 2010
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
It is with a heavy heart that I type this post. One of the most prolific and iconic movie producers has passed away. Dino Di Laurentiis was 91. He wasn't your typical producer that put movies just for the hell of it or to make a quick buck, like today's producers, he was a visionary and an artist.....and for it he'll be missed. He is also the man who
Arnold Schwarzenegger on the map with "Conan the Barbarian" among his most famous movies: Barbarella, Orca, King Kong, Serpico, Death Wish, Dune, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising. He is survived by his widow, Martha, and 6 daughters. His only son, Federico, died in a plane crash in 1981.
It is with a heavy heart that I type this post. One of the most prolific and iconic movie producers has passed away. Dino Di Laurentiis was 91. He wasn't your typical producer that put movies just for the hell of it or to make a quick buck, like today's producers, he was a visionary and an artist.....and for it he'll be missed. He is also the man who
Arnold Schwarzenegger on the map with "Conan the Barbarian" among his most famous movies: Barbarella, Orca, King Kong, Serpico, Death Wish, Dune, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising. He is survived by his widow, Martha, and 6 daughters. His only son, Federico, died in a plane crash in 1981.
RIP 1919-2010
Nov 10, 2010
Cocaine Allegations and Demi Lovato
Story by: Yesenia Vega
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And there are dozens more where that came from as well. From legit sources, to gossip columns, to shady news publications, such as the Examiner. When there are multiple reports of abuse, there's always some truth to it, just read between the lines. There have been a lot of hear say of Demi's binges recorded on video, but so far, no video has been produced nor uploaded on to the internet as of yet. Until it does, "Pics of GTFO!!!". About a week ago, she was checked into a sort of rehab for emotional and physical abuse. So everything was really played down a bit, after Demi's altercation with a backup dancer from the tour that she the Jonas Brother's are making thus far, but after Demi lost it, she was immediately sent to rehab. But before today, it was for the emotional and physical abuse issues. But what caused them? According to sources, she still carried the heavy burden of her break up 3 months ago to JB's front man, Joe Jonas, which added to the alleged, drinking and cocaine binges. Also rumored were here heartbreak indulged binges and excesses which led to her being interned. Until any real proof of what happened, all I can say is, Pray for her healing and getting better. Any man/boy, is not worth losing your sanity over, nor your livelyhood. Sure, go out and find someone special, break ups suck, but they are part of life. Live, Love, move on is all I can say. Til then, get better Demi, and God Bless.
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And there are dozens more where that came from as well. From legit sources, to gossip columns, to shady news publications, such as the Examiner. When there are multiple reports of abuse, there's always some truth to it, just read between the lines. There have been a lot of hear say of Demi's binges recorded on video, but so far, no video has been produced nor uploaded on to the internet as of yet. Until it does, "Pics of GTFO!!!". About a week ago, she was checked into a sort of rehab for emotional and physical abuse. So everything was really played down a bit, after Demi's altercation with a backup dancer from the tour that she the Jonas Brother's are making thus far, but after Demi lost it, she was immediately sent to rehab. But before today, it was for the emotional and physical abuse issues. But what caused them? According to sources, she still carried the heavy burden of her break up 3 months ago to JB's front man, Joe Jonas, which added to the alleged, drinking and cocaine binges. Also rumored were here heartbreak indulged binges and excesses which led to her being interned. Until any real proof of what happened, all I can say is, Pray for her healing and getting better. Any man/boy, is not worth losing your sanity over, nor your livelyhood. Sure, go out and find someone special, break ups suck, but they are part of life. Live, Love, move on is all I can say. Til then, get better Demi, and God Bless.
Nov 7, 2010
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
As all HP fans know, the HP saga has come to a close, earlier this year. After 10 long years of bringing us fun and an escape of the real world, each time, for 2.5 hours more or less, with every enchanting movie the WB produces. At first, I didn't understand the hype, nor cared for it either, the news were heavily focused in the first installment of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" I just didn't care at the time. So, after seeing most every movie that was in theaters at the time, more than once, I figured.....why not?? What do I have to lose?
As all HP fans know, the HP saga has come to a close, earlier this year. After 10 long years of bringing us fun and an escape of the real world, each time, for 2.5 hours more or less, with every enchanting movie the WB produces. At first, I didn't understand the hype, nor cared for it either, the news were heavily focused in the first installment of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" I just didn't care at the time. So, after seeing most every movie that was in theaters at the time, more than once, I figured.....why not?? What do I have to lose?
Nov 6, 2010
The Walking Dead
![]() |
Story by: Léon DeGrelle |
What can I really say about it, but, WOW!!!! And this was just the beginning from AMC. It's expected that 6 episodes will also follow it's triumphant and even, unexpected showing of 5.3 million viewers, and also making it the most widely viewed cable series in 2010, and AMC's highest rated original series as well. The show has a high promise value that it will stay for a while since there is already a season 2 in the works as well. The story revolves mainly on Rick Grimes, who's a small town sheriff in Georgia. He is shot multiple times, in a freak shooting that leaves him comatose for a while......the actually time is not given, but awakens to find himself in a hospital bed, abandoned and in a disarray after an unknown freak phenomenon that makes the dead come alive again and in desperate need of fresh meat for nourishment. He finds his home to be abandoned, his town is dead and no one in sight. Until he returns to his neighborhood and finds everyone gone, until running into Morgan Jones and his son Duane, who managed to escape the zombie invasion. Though each Rick, nor Morgan give much insight into their pasts, but manage to find common ground on what to do, on for a short amount of time until the go their separate ways. But one thing the Morgan doesn't tell Rick, is that Morgan's wife is a zombie and couldn't find himself to shoot his former love.
Rick believing that his wife and son is still alive, he sets forth to find them in the overrun city of Atlanta Georgia. Despite Ricks calls on Radio, his message is heard, but the small band of survivors are unable to respond, because their radio receiver is busted and cannot respond. Among the survivors, are Shane Walsh, his best friend and his wife and son. And what makes things worse, Shane has already started a romance with Lori (Rick's Wife) and the band of survivors unable to warn Rick that Atlanta is a hotspot for undead activity.
A Zombie that looks like a cross between Jim Carrey and Kevin Bacon, makes an appearance
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