Jan 15, 2011

First pic of Andrew Garfield as Spiderman

Story by:  Léon Degrelle

Let's, I'm not impressed.  Tobey Maguire still had more miles to go, and at least, he got buffed up a bit, in order to portray Spiderman.  So, this reboot is supposed to take place in high school???  I don't think so.  Despite makeup, SFX and other visual magic, I'd say college, more than high school, unless they hired a Ralph Macchio look alike.  Whoever decided on the "Ultimate" style stroy writing to adjust to the times, piss poor and shit jobs, the writers are producing.  A hero, is supposed to ooze confidence, strength, and perseverance, not being a whinny, self doubting wimp, who only limits their abilities with self doubt.  Only time will tell.  Sometimes, as the sayong goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words" can be right in most instances.....in my case, this is still to early to tell, but from what I see, I'm not impressed.  Personally, 2 actors that were up for grabs, looked the part, Logan Huffman (Percy Jackson) and Frank Dillane (Young Voldemort:  Half Blood Prince)

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