Dec 12, 2010

For anyone traveling to Tijuana or Mexico...........

 Story by:  Sancho

Don't, December 12th marks the anniversary of when La Virgen de Guadalupe first manifested herself to Juán Diego in 1531.  And what does that mean exactly???  Traffic Jams, way too busy streets, and pilgrimages from other Mexicans from the rest of the interior appearing in the city's main cathedral.  Especially, in Tijuana, the city was made to hold a certain amount of people, but yet, that total numbers has more than doubled its capacity, and yet, more and more individuals come.  Are they welcome????  not by the real natives that have been established there before the turn of the 20th century.  That's for sure.  My suggestions to the unknowing traveler, stay home.  The streets are going to be extremely busy, and crazy with the celebrations and the food sales, the carnivals......and all other crazy stuff that will happen.  Sure, it may be fun for some, but the city in which I live, is overrun, by unwelcomed guests.  Stay home and enjoy the weekend in the good old USA.  Cinco de Mayo isn't shit, in comparison to this mini holiday.  So just a bit or warning for any potential readers here.

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