Story by: Sancho
by more than half a million dollars, bring in up to second place, and dropping the gals to a third place slot in this past weeks Box Office. Bringing the total to $37.8 million in favor of the Prince's favor. The last 7 million was added after a discrepancy in the final tallies. Human error happens.
May 31, 2010
May 30, 2010
Guillermo del Toro quits "The Hobbit" due to personal reasons
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
To nip this in the bud, and to stop fans from criticizing him and calling Del Toro names, here's the bottom line. He's aleady committed 2 years of his life getting the project started, working in New Zealand, he's had to live in New Zealand for all this time, and being far from ones home and culture, sucks ass. According to Peter Jackson, Del Toro's original commitment was of 3 years, not the 6 that both these movies require, as Jackson himself did over a decade ago when he created his masterpiece of the Lord of the Rings series. The time slot for the realease was and has continued to be pushed back, primarily because of MGM studios, own internal woes, on "Who Is The Leader" and other financial problems. As Peter Jackson quotes:
To nip this in the bud, and to stop fans from criticizing him and calling Del Toro names, here's the bottom line. He's aleady committed 2 years of his life getting the project started, working in New Zealand, he's had to live in New Zealand for all this time, and being far from ones home and culture, sucks ass. According to Peter Jackson, Del Toro's original commitment was of 3 years, not the 6 that both these movies require, as Jackson himself did over a decade ago when he created his masterpiece of the Lord of the Rings series. The time slot for the realease was and has continued to be pushed back, primarily because of MGM studios, own internal woes, on "Who Is The Leader" and other financial problems. As Peter Jackson quotes:
"We feel very sad to see Guillermo leave the Hobbit, but he has kept us fully in the loop and we understand how the protracted development time on these two films, due to reasons beyond anyone’s control – has compromised his commitment to other long term projects. The bottom line is that Guillermo just didn’t feel he could commit six years to living in New Zealand, exclusively making these films, when his original commitment was for three years. Guillermo is one of the most remarkable creative spirits I’ve ever encountered and it has been a complete joy working with him. Guillermo’s strong vision is engrained into the scripts and designs of these two films, which are extremely fortunate to be blessed with his creative DNA"Del Toro's own words:
"In light of ongoing delays in the setting of a start date for filming “The Hobbit,” I am faced with the hardest decision of my life.....After nearly two years of living, breathing and designing a world as rich as Tolkien’s Middle Earth, I must, with great regret, take leave from helming these wonderful pictures. I remain grateful to Peter, Fran and Philippa Boyens, New Line and Warner Brothers and to all my crew in New Zealand. I’ve been privileged to work in one of the greatest countries on earth with some of the best people ever in our craft and my life will be forever changed. The blessings have been plenty, but the mounting pressures of conflicting schedules have overwhelmed the time slot originally allocated for the project. Both as a co-writer and as a director, I wish the production nothing but the very best of luck and I will be first in line to see the finished product. I remain an ally to it and its makers, present and future, and fully support a smooth transition to a new director".So we say goodbye, to any possibility of a future blockbuster anytime soon. The Hobbit will be placed on hold until a suitable director will be found, and MGM, gets it's problems resolved. Until then, Tolkien fans......the future looks bleak for now.
"Sex" couldn't handle the big green beast
Story by: Yesenia Vega
The high expectations faltered, amidst the May lineup. Sex and the city makes $32.1 million, far bellow the 66+ million that was expected. SO the jolly green ogre, makes out more like a bandit with 43.3 millions, and topples down the "Prince", "The Thief" and the "Tin Man" this week. While the girls were on top in Fridays lineup, it seems that the stamina, in the long run, belongs to Shrek. Better luck next time ladies.
The high expectations faltered, amidst the May lineup. Sex and the city makes $32.1 million, far bellow the 66+ million that was expected. SO the jolly green ogre, makes out more like a bandit with 43.3 millions, and topples down the "Prince", "The Thief" and the "Tin Man" this week. While the girls were on top in Fridays lineup, it seems that the stamina, in the long run, belongs to Shrek. Better luck next time ladies.
Films that don't need a remake
Story by: Sancho
On occasion I will be posting movies that don't need a remake. This time around "The Godfather". With a string of movie remakes, that in most cases, don't compare to the originals, this movie first comes to mind, as never to be remade. Why? It's a masterpiece, and a work of art, that for nearly 40 years, has established a close look at the underworld of the mafioso lifestyle, and the violence that comes with it, but at the same time, some morals and types of respect that are long gone, even in today's modern mafia. Besides a look into the mob, no one, and I repeat, no one, can ever out do the excellent ensemble of actors that "The Godfather" has. Even today's most prestigious actors cannot out do the magnificent, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, and Robert Duvall, for anytype of remake in mind. No actor or actress today, has that type of caliber, as shown in this classic movie.
In fact, in forums around the internet, questions about this movie being remade are posted. Many of the replies, are that this, must never be remade, because then, it would be a fact, whoever dares to remake this film, will be sleeping with the fishes, wearing both the custom made cement shoes, and the infamous Sicilian necktie. How's that for an answer? This is a movie, never to be remade.
On occasion I will be posting movies that don't need a remake. This time around "The Godfather". With a string of movie remakes, that in most cases, don't compare to the originals, this movie first comes to mind, as never to be remade. Why? It's a masterpiece, and a work of art, that for nearly 40 years, has established a close look at the underworld of the mafioso lifestyle, and the violence that comes with it, but at the same time, some morals and types of respect that are long gone, even in today's modern mafia. Besides a look into the mob, no one, and I repeat, no one, can ever out do the excellent ensemble of actors that "The Godfather" has. Even today's most prestigious actors cannot out do the magnificent, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, and Robert Duvall, for anytype of remake in mind. No actor or actress today, has that type of caliber, as shown in this classic movie.
In fact, in forums around the internet, questions about this movie being remade are posted. Many of the replies, are that this, must never be remade, because then, it would be a fact, whoever dares to remake this film, will be sleeping with the fishes, wearing both the custom made cement shoes, and the infamous Sicilian necktie. How's that for an answer? This is a movie, never to be remade.
May 29, 2010
"Sex" on top, while Shrek and Prince wear out
Seems that the ladies will be taking the top position above the men, which include Shrek, Prince of Persia, Iron Man, and Robin Hood. Ride 'em cowgirls. So far, the total is over the 27 million dollar mark, and with the long weekend, it's estimated the women will "come" out again with approximately $65 mill, whenthe boys will be too pooped to pump. Yee Haw!!!!
RIP Dennis Hopper
RIP: Dennis Hopper
After these last months, of his deteriorating health problems.......the infamous movie legend, has succumbed to prostate cancer. With his weakened health, he was unable to to take chemotherapy for a last fight with his disease. Mr. Hopper, was a gentleman and a legend. He passed away in his Venice home, surrounded by his closest friends and family. His latest blow to his health, was his divorce from his ex wife, Victoria Duffy. I hope she's happy with herself. Dennis Hopper, a fallen screen legend, dead at 74, he will be missed.
After these last months, of his deteriorating health problems.......the infamous movie legend, has succumbed to prostate cancer. With his weakened health, he was unable to to take chemotherapy for a last fight with his disease. Mr. Hopper, was a gentleman and a legend. He passed away in his Venice home, surrounded by his closest friends and family. His latest blow to his health, was his divorce from his ex wife, Victoria Duffy. I hope she's happy with herself. Dennis Hopper, a fallen screen legend, dead at 74, he will be missed.
May 28, 2010
Odd update: Micahel Bay to direct new adaptation of TMNT
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
along side with Platinum Dunes (a horror company), Nickelodeon and Paramount. The Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles are to get another adaptation of the mega popular franchise that rose to popularity back in 1987 and spawned it's first movie adaptation back in 1990, 2 sequels, 2 animated series, and a CGI flick a few years ago. This will be the 2nd time the franchise has received a facelift, to cater to the younger fans.
along side with Platinum Dunes (a horror company), Nickelodeon and Paramount. The Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles are to get another adaptation of the mega popular franchise that rose to popularity back in 1987 and spawned it's first movie adaptation back in 1990, 2 sequels, 2 animated series, and a CGI flick a few years ago. This will be the 2nd time the franchise has received a facelift, to cater to the younger fans.
May 27, 2010
Ashley Greene out.....Emma Roberts replace her role
Story by: Yesenia Vega
Pretty actress, Emma Roberts, has replaced Ashley Greene, for the role of Jill, in the upcoming Wes Craven film of Scream 4. A few weeks ago, it was reported that Greene was in, but she decided to step aside, and another took her place. Ashley must get her head in straight, if not, she'll end up losing roles really quick, and end up another actress struggling in the streets, and end up doing things that she won't like in the long run. David Arquette, Neve Campbell, and Courtney cox, are still in to reprise their famous roles. Still no change on the other actors, just Emma being the addition and replacement.
Pretty actress, Emma Roberts, has replaced Ashley Greene, for the role of Jill, in the upcoming Wes Craven film of Scream 4. A few weeks ago, it was reported that Greene was in, but she decided to step aside, and another took her place. Ashley must get her head in straight, if not, she'll end up losing roles really quick, and end up another actress struggling in the streets, and end up doing things that she won't like in the long run. David Arquette, Neve Campbell, and Courtney cox, are still in to reprise their famous roles. Still no change on the other actors, just Emma being the addition and replacement.
"Is like a death of a Friend"...Emma Watson says
Story by : Léon DeGrelle
about ending her decade as playing the heroine of the Harry Potter series, Hermione Granger. Emma will be taking a very long break after playing the "insufferable know-it-all" Hermione, after Deathly Hallows pt. 2 finally wraps up. She said:
about ending her decade as playing the heroine of the Harry Potter series, Hermione Granger. Emma will be taking a very long break after playing the "insufferable know-it-all" Hermione, after Deathly Hallows pt. 2 finally wraps up. She said:
None of us could say that we predicted this kind of love and recognition. It’s just incredible. I’m just so unbelievably proud to have been part of this. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I feel like someone’s dying, I know that sounds like an exaggeration but I really do. I’m not planning to do anything this summer - I’m going to need time to collect myself and get myself back together a bit. So I’ll take a bit of a break.Her uber famous co-star, Daniel Radcliffe also feels the same, but is really looking to his future endeavors, as he's still young, he's rich already, really rich, and is looking towards the future very brightly with some projects that he's already lined up. In a final conclusion.....Daniel adds:
It’s going to be bizarre. I’m going to be devastated. It’s going to be very, very sad because it’s been such an important part of my life. There will never be one scene in any of the Harry Potters that, when I watch it, won’t trigger a series of memories about what that day was about and what I was doing. So everything is so linked to my life and growing up. But, at the same time, it will be exciting. It puts a pretty nice punctuation mark on my adolescence. I feel grown-up now.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2 will wrap up in a few more months, for a July 15, 2011 worldwide premier, and a sad goodbye, to a dear friend. Death Hallows pt 1 premiers November 15, 2010.....worldwide. So be there.
James McAvoy is Prof. X
Story by:
in the upcoming Xmen: First Class with Matthew Vaughn directing. Further casting will still be held during this summer, as to who will play the obvious first clas, such as Cyclops, Jean Grey, and still being decided. Patrick Stewart has already been replaced, but the question is, who will fill Sir Ian McKellan's shoes as the uber mutant, master of magnetism, Magneto? That is still up to be decided. That is if the first X-Men will be in it. More than likely, it will be an origins type movie, with a young Charles, pre-wheelchair, and a young Erik Lensherr, right around the time they were really close friends, before their differences began to show. With the Professor forming the pro human mutant protectors, and Magneto as the leader of the Brotherhood. Either way one looks at it, none of the figures are evil. More to come, as news progress.
Léon DeGrelle
in the upcoming Xmen: First Class with Matthew Vaughn directing. Further casting will still be held during this summer, as to who will play the obvious first clas, such as Cyclops, Jean Grey, and still being decided. Patrick Stewart has already been replaced, but the question is, who will fill Sir Ian McKellan's shoes as the uber mutant, master of magnetism, Magneto? That is still up to be decided. That is if the first X-Men will be in it. More than likely, it will be an origins type movie, with a young Charles, pre-wheelchair, and a young Erik Lensherr, right around the time they were really close friends, before their differences began to show. With the Professor forming the pro human mutant protectors, and Magneto as the leader of the Brotherhood. Either way one looks at it, none of the figures are evil. More to come, as news progress.
May 26, 2010
Possible Clash of the Titans sequel
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
Per the words of Gemma Aterton, who played Io, in Clash of the Titans, ans excerpts taken from an interview with, just recently. The link will show her long interview with the site. And in the interview, she revelaed that there is a possibility of a Clash of the Titans sequel. As for her future in the is unknown, but I tool this excerpt from the interview about the possible sequel:
Per the words of Gemma Aterton, who played Io, in Clash of the Titans, ans excerpts taken from an interview with, just recently. The link will show her long interview with the site. And in the interview, she revelaed that there is a possibility of a Clash of the Titans sequel. As for her future in the is unknown, but I tool this excerpt from the interview about the possible sequel:
I hear that they're talking about a sequel but I don’t know what 's going on with that and no one's come to me with a script or anything yet, so we'll see.And asked about her participation of a sequel if producer's wanted another on:
No I didn’t actually. It was… I think the film was so successful that I think that they kind of like wow, you know nobody knew how successful it was going to actually end up being. And so with this one they…and there was always talk that there may be a sequel but I was never involved. You know, it was never part of my contract. Sometimes you have to sign a thing. No, it was never spoken about.So far the movie has made over $475 million in the World Wide Box Office. With a budget of $125 has more than tripled the production costs, thus, making the movie profitable enough for a sequel. Only time will tell.
Spiderman reboot down to 5
Story by: Sancho
The five are as follows: Jamie Bell, Alden Ehrenreich, Andrew Garfield, Frank Dillane, and Josh Hutcherson. And to be honest, out of this list, none fit the bill better than the missing Logan Leman, whose claim to fame include "Percy Jackson& The Olympians :The Lightning Thief" as his first starring major role just last year. Logan told Marc Webb, that he will not be doing any Spiderman Reboot, though, personally, this might be one of the biggest mistakes in his career, since the stars from the recent Spiderman series, Kirsten Dunst, and Tobey Maguire, were immediate A-listers. Out of the 5 in the chase, none are worth mentioning further since 4 really don't fit the bill, but Frank Dillane, who starred in last years' Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, as the tormented teenaged Lord Voldemort. He has the perfect billing and look to portray Peter Parker in a newer, high school reboot, since the other actors, appear to be more in their 20's (Bell, Hutcherson), kinda chubby faced (Ehrenreich), or look like a complete dumbass (Garfield). In fact, all the 4 rejects, look to be in their 20's and really don't fit the bill to be in as high school students, unless they flunked out 3-4 years.
If it wasn't for Leman, passing the role, he'd be the best, hands down, as it was said and rumored to be the next Spiderman in the reboot, since Raimi and Maguire left the project. But the seoncd best choice, and the one that best fits a nerdy Peter Parker and lokking young enough to still be in High School, is Lord, Frank Dillane.
The five are as follows: Jamie Bell, Alden Ehrenreich, Andrew Garfield, Frank Dillane, and Josh Hutcherson. And to be honest, out of this list, none fit the bill better than the missing Logan Leman, whose claim to fame include "Percy Jackson& The Olympians :The Lightning Thief" as his first starring major role just last year. Logan told Marc Webb, that he will not be doing any Spiderman Reboot, though, personally, this might be one of the biggest mistakes in his career, since the stars from the recent Spiderman series, Kirsten Dunst, and Tobey Maguire, were immediate A-listers. Out of the 5 in the chase, none are worth mentioning further since 4 really don't fit the bill, but Frank Dillane, who starred in last years' Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, as the tormented teenaged Lord Voldemort. He has the perfect billing and look to portray Peter Parker in a newer, high school reboot, since the other actors, appear to be more in their 20's (Bell, Hutcherson), kinda chubby faced (Ehrenreich), or look like a complete dumbass (Garfield). In fact, all the 4 rejects, look to be in their 20's and really don't fit the bill to be in as high school students, unless they flunked out 3-4 years.
If it wasn't for Leman, passing the role, he'd be the best, hands down, as it was said and rumored to be the next Spiderman in the reboot, since Raimi and Maguire left the project. But the seoncd best choice, and the one that best fits a nerdy Peter Parker and lokking young enough to still be in High School, is
TV Host, Art Linkletter dies at 97
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
RIP: 1912-2010
The retired host from popular shows such as House Party and People are Funny, has passed away at 97. His life was not always as an in your face, slap stick comedy as he protrayed in one of the longest running variety shows, in House Party, which ran from 1952-1969, but really started as a radio variety show in 1944. He was also a best selling author in Kids say the Darndest Things, in which he collected while on his shows and published them. His life, though a long running success, wasn't without personal tragedy. One of the worst things that can happen, is when a parent has to bury a child, in which, in his ling life, has done 3 times.
In 1969, his 20 year old daughter Diane, jumped to her death from their apartment building. In 1980, one of his sons, Robert, was killed in an auto accident. And in 1997, his son Jack, aged 70, died of Lymphoma. He is survived by his wife Louis, and his two surviving daughters, Dawn and Sharon. RIP dear sir.....RIP
The retired host from popular shows such as House Party and People are Funny, has passed away at 97. His life was not always as an in your face, slap stick comedy as he protrayed in one of the longest running variety shows, in House Party, which ran from 1952-1969, but really started as a radio variety show in 1944. He was also a best selling author in Kids say the Darndest Things, in which he collected while on his shows and published them. His life, though a long running success, wasn't without personal tragedy. One of the worst things that can happen, is when a parent has to bury a child, in which, in his ling life, has done 3 times.
In 1969, his 20 year old daughter Diane, jumped to her death from their apartment building. In 1980, one of his sons, Robert, was killed in an auto accident. And in 1997, his son Jack, aged 70, died of Lymphoma. He is survived by his wife Louis, and his two surviving daughters, Dawn and Sharon. RIP dear sir.....RIP
"Alice in Wonderland".....Disney's 2nd film to break $1 Bill
Story by: Sancho
Alice in Wonderland, will definitely break teh billion mark by this following weekend. It has becomes Disney's, second billion dollar baby, after Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, which made an outstanding 1.7 billion world wide, and that's before the 3D craze since "Avatar". And this is the only springtime billion dollar baby. Normally the biggest hits, are in the summer or winter times. Congrats to Disney, for actually not screwing up another classic.....not mentioning any names.....*cough**cough*Narnia*cough*Prince Caspian*cough*
Alice in Wonderland, will definitely break teh billion mark by this following weekend. It has becomes Disney's, second billion dollar baby, after Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, which made an outstanding 1.7 billion world wide, and that's before the 3D craze since "Avatar". And this is the only springtime billion dollar baby. Normally the biggest hits, are in the summer or winter times. Congrats to Disney, for actually not screwing up another classic.....not mentioning any names.....*cough**cough*Narnia*cough*Prince Caspian*cough*
May 25, 2010
Leaked HP photo of epilogue
Not bad on the make up department. And whoever the child actors are....spitting image of the both Daniel and Bonnie. Good selections.
May 24, 2010
LiLo court ordered to stay put
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
Now that "the" Lohan decided to fake a passport theft, failed to show the return ticket, and decided to arrive whenever she felt like it after partying it up in Cannes with friends, and moochers, with cocaine and alcohol......Judge Marsha Revel is sick of her shenanigans and bullshit lies, that she ordered The LiLo to stay put in Cali, and she's not to drink nor do drugs amidst the trial, and is to wear an ankle device and do random drug tests......if she refuses urine tests, they will stick a catheter up her pee hole......Yummmy!!!!
Now that "the" Lohan decided to fake a passport theft, failed to show the return ticket, and decided to arrive whenever she felt like it after partying it up in Cannes with friends, and moochers, with cocaine and alcohol......Judge Marsha Revel is sick of her shenanigans and bullshit lies, that she ordered The LiLo to stay put in Cali, and she's not to drink nor do drugs amidst the trial, and is to wear an ankle device and do random drug tests......if she refuses urine tests, they will stick a catheter up her pee hole......Yummmy!!!!
Brittany Murphy's widower....found dead.
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
Simon Monjack was found unresponsive in his LA home that he once shred with Brittany. It was Brittany's mother that made the discovery late last night at around 9:30 pm, in an apparent heart attack. He was administered CPR and other resuscitation methods to no avail. It is still to early to tell what the real reason for a sudden heart attack was for Monjack, but apparently, it sounds like a suicide. More to come later.
Simon Monjack was found unresponsive in his LA home that he once shred with Brittany. It was Brittany's mother that made the discovery late last night at around 9:30 pm, in an apparent heart attack. He was administered CPR and other resuscitation methods to no avail. It is still to early to tell what the real reason for a sudden heart attack was for Monjack, but apparently, it sounds like a suicide. More to come later.
May 23, 2010
New "Predators"
"Predators" will be released July 7, 2010. And stars, Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, and Laurence Fishburne
May 22, 2010
Shrek 4....fails to appeal to fans
Story by: Yesenia Vega
Well, at least the take was 20.8 million, for yesterdays take. But 21 million is still an underperformer and pales to 2 of its predecessors. Seems the 3rd one was somewhat of a disappointment. No matter, at least there is claim that this is it for Shrek, after 5 movies, and 9 years in the making. Actually longer, since it does take a few years to piece together animation, effects, and voices and putting them together. Still, there is some hop for this movie....with merchandising, DVD sales, and other promos. Hopefully, it can make some money back, despite it being surrounded by, Iron Man2, Robin Hood, and the upcoming Sex and the City sequel and Prince of Persia this week. This kinda reminds me of the summer clash of 2008, in which a kids movie (Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian), was released amidst huge May blocknusters that year, heading up against Iron Man, Indiana Jones, and Sex and the City, in which a kids movie, was blasted away from the other Hollywood big budget movies. In most cases, there is no hope for any type of kids movie, when it comes to facing an unstoppable behemoth, or in this case 3 behemoths. History.......has a way of repeating itself.
Well, at least the take was 20.8 million, for yesterdays take. But 21 million is still an underperformer and pales to 2 of its predecessors. Seems the 3rd one was somewhat of a disappointment. No matter, at least there is claim that this is it for Shrek, after 5 movies, and 9 years in the making. Actually longer, since it does take a few years to piece together animation, effects, and voices and putting them together. Still, there is some hop for this movie....with merchandising, DVD sales, and other promos. Hopefully, it can make some money back, despite it being surrounded by, Iron Man2, Robin Hood, and the upcoming Sex and the City sequel and Prince of Persia this week. This kinda reminds me of the summer clash of 2008, in which a kids movie (Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian), was released amidst huge May blocknusters that year, heading up against Iron Man, Indiana Jones, and Sex and the City, in which a kids movie, was blasted away from the other Hollywood big budget movies. In most cases, there is no hope for any type of kids movie, when it comes to facing an unstoppable behemoth, or in this case 3 behemoths. History.......has a way of repeating itself.
May 21, 2010
J Lo's get a reality show.
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
Now, the only claim to fame this Cuban immigrant has, is being one of J-Lo's first lovers, and her first husband. Considered to be a model, I really don't see it. He's been trying to get a share of the pie for releasing private and intimate info about his limited time with Jennifer, over a decade ago, including personal letters and such items. And now, to have a claim to fame, he's going to Televisa, TeleMundo, Galavision and other major Hispanic Networks, to have a reality show based on him. Since J-Lo's lawyers went immediately to work in blocking his release of homemade vids, and the pre mentioned items, his vie for TV fame, will include his struggle with her and his legal battles against her, and just to alleviate a a bit from J-Lo's pressure, he's actually doing the pilot episode of his socalled TV show...called "I owe everything to Jennifer" just to kiss her ass, and perhaps psychologically appeasing her, using such a tactic. Let's see how it goes, for Fidel's reject boy.
Now, the only claim to fame this Cuban immigrant has, is being one of J-Lo's first lovers, and her first husband. Considered to be a model, I really don't see it. He's been trying to get a share of the pie for releasing private and intimate info about his limited time with Jennifer, over a decade ago, including personal letters and such items. And now, to have a claim to fame, he's going to Televisa, TeleMundo, Galavision and other major Hispanic Networks, to have a reality show based on him. Since J-Lo's lawyers went immediately to work in blocking his release of homemade vids, and the pre mentioned items, his vie for TV fame, will include his struggle with her and his legal battles against her, and just to alleviate a a bit from J-Lo's pressure, he's actually doing the pilot episode of his socalled TV show...called "I owe everything to Jennifer" just to kiss her ass, and perhaps psychologically appeasing her, using such a tactic. Let's see how it goes, for Fidel's reject boy.
May 20, 2010
Ashley Greene's work has paid off......
Story by: Yesenia Vega
She's getting a starring role for herself, alongside a recent free agent in Hayden Panetierre, and Rory Culkin (Mac's lil' bro) a new installment in the 4th "Scream" movie, from director Wes Craven. The original trio of Neve Campbell, David Arquette, and Courtney Cox, are a go, but not as the main protagonists as in the past....this movie is more for the passing of the torch to the new trio.
So far, Greene will portray Jill, Neve's cousin in the film, and as the new main star. Hayden as the BFF, and Rory, as Jill's love interest. So far, the script is a big hush hush, and nothing being released so far as to have this movie a surprise for fans, per Wes Craven and Dimension Films. Well, the best thing about these news, at least "Scream" is not a remake......well, at least not due for one for at least another 5 more years.
She's getting a starring role for herself, alongside a recent free agent in Hayden Panetierre, and Rory Culkin (Mac's lil' bro) a new installment in the 4th "Scream" movie, from director Wes Craven. The original trio of Neve Campbell, David Arquette, and Courtney Cox, are a go, but not as the main protagonists as in the past....this movie is more for the passing of the torch to the new trio.
So far, Greene will portray Jill, Neve's cousin in the film, and as the new main star. Hayden as the BFF, and Rory, as Jill's love interest. So far, the script is a big hush hush, and nothing being released so far as to have this movie a surprise for fans, per Wes Craven and Dimension Films. Well, the best thing about these news, at least "Scream" is not a remake......well, at least not due for one for at least another 5 more years.
More LiLo News......a bond was posted to secure it
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
the bail was set to 100K, and since 10% is needed to secure the bond, it was paid off by Lohan's reps. Lindsay is expected to return to US soil by Friday, and no arrests will be made, and no "Big Bertha" cell mate will be needed. The judge has recalled the arrest.
the bail was set to 100K, and since 10% is needed to secure the bond, it was paid off by Lohan's reps. Lindsay is expected to return to US soil by Friday, and no arrests will be made, and no "Big Bertha" cell mate will be needed. The judge has recalled the arrest.
Lohans situation is worse off thatn expected
Story by: Sancho
The presiding judge, has definitely issued an arrest warrant when LiLo decides to reenter the US. The 2008 DUI decision would have gone better and in her favor, had she gotten her head out of her ass, and became a full fledged adult, by doing what is right and responsible of even being called an adult. Normally, individuals like her, normally don't get the idea, until something really big happens that can be this case, the little arrest of her former friend, Paris Hilton comes to mind, and for those that remember, it wasn't a pretty sight. In this case, I think it will be worse. All Linds, had to do, was to appear at her appointed scheduled depos, and trials, and all of this, could have been avoided. Simple as that. Lohan had claimed that her passports were stolen, but there were no records of anything local being filed, nor that she intended to appear at her scheduled appointment, set by a California court of law. This is more proof to show, that, because one is rich, they're not above the law.
The presiding judge, has definitely issued an arrest warrant when LiLo decides to reenter the US. The 2008 DUI decision would have gone better and in her favor, had she gotten her head out of her ass, and became a full fledged adult, by doing what is right and responsible of even being called an adult. Normally, individuals like her, normally don't get the idea, until something really big happens that can be this case, the little arrest of her former friend, Paris Hilton comes to mind, and for those that remember, it wasn't a pretty sight. In this case, I think it will be worse. All Linds, had to do, was to appear at her appointed scheduled depos, and trials, and all of this, could have been avoided. Simple as that. Lohan had claimed that her passports were stolen, but there were no records of anything local being filed, nor that she intended to appear at her scheduled appointment, set by a California court of law. This is more proof to show, that, because one is rich, they're not above the law.
LiLo has an arrest warrant pending
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
Basically the judge presiding, Judge Marsha Revel, got pretty sick and tired of LiLo's excuses for blowing off her responsibilities in her trial and her no-shows at her mandatory depositions in the past from a fender bender she caused back in 2008. According to Lohan's reps, she was stuck in Cannes, while attending the Film Festival, because of missing/stolen passports to travel back to the US side of the world. While it is understandable, but knowing Lohan's past record, comes to show the Judge's disdain and pegged her with an 100K bail and possible warrant for her arrest if and when returning to LA. Once bailed, she'd have to undergo weekly and random drug and alcohol tests and fitted with an alcohol bracelet as part of the punishment, so far, she's passed the test results.
Basically the judge presiding, Judge Marsha Revel, got pretty sick and tired of LiLo's excuses for blowing off her responsibilities in her trial and her no-shows at her mandatory depositions in the past from a fender bender she caused back in 2008. According to Lohan's reps, she was stuck in Cannes, while attending the Film Festival, because of missing/stolen passports to travel back to the US side of the world. While it is understandable, but knowing Lohan's past record, comes to show the Judge's disdain and pegged her with an 100K bail and possible warrant for her arrest if and when returning to LA. Once bailed, she'd have to undergo weekly and random drug and alcohol tests and fitted with an alcohol bracelet as part of the punishment, so far, she's passed the test results.
Megan Fox out of Transformers 3
Story by: Yesenia Vega
To clear any rumors that she was booted, or fired from Micheal Bay's new installation, Megan quit the series on her own accord. According to Fox's reps:
To clear any rumors that she was booted, or fired from Micheal Bay's new installation, Megan quit the series on her own accord. According to Fox's reps:
Megan Fox will not be starring in Transformers 3; It was her decision not to return. She wishes the franchise the best.Because Megan has a large string of successful movies under her belt, she probably realizes, that the Transformers franchise is small potatoes, for her A-list career now. Whew!!! Oh it or not, quitting such a large project and production, may be the last huge paycheck she could ever receive, since, this plastic, Angelina Jolie wannabe isn't exactly remembered for her excellent and superb acting ability, but merely her plumped up lips, her nose job, fake tan and her body. Hot as she may be, and yes, she is hot, but her brain is a serious turnoff. A word of advice to all, she maybe the in girl, but beauty is granted for a limited time in human existence.
May 16, 2010
Joanie Laurer (Chyna), off the hook in assault case
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
A woman, by the name of Gabriela Targos, filed a complaint against the former WWE star, that she was assaulted and beat up and was going to die at the hands of Chyna last April, in an L.A. motel room. The L.A. city attorney has completely dropped the case against Laurer, due to insufficient evidence.
To be honest, even I wouldn't pick a fight with Chyna, despite her not being as big or as young as she once was, during her tenure in the WWE, but she's not your average woman either, she was able to carry and bear hug a 6'4" 265 pound HHH (Jean Levesque), like a child. So, the average woman, of average adult female strength, cannot, and I repeat, go toe to toe against another woman of a physically fit male's strength, in a show of power.
A woman, by the name of Gabriela Targos, filed a complaint against the former WWE star, that she was assaulted and beat up and was going to die at the hands of Chyna last April, in an L.A. motel room. The L.A. city attorney has completely dropped the case against Laurer, due to insufficient evidence.
To be honest, even I wouldn't pick a fight with Chyna, despite her not being as big or as young as she once was, during her tenure in the WWE, but she's not your average woman either, she was able to carry and bear hug a 6'4" 265 pound HHH (Jean Levesque), like a child. So, the average woman, of average adult female strength, cannot, and I repeat, go toe to toe against another woman of a physically fit male's strength, in a show of power.
May 15, 2010
Robin Hood vs. Iron Man....who'll win?!?!?!?!?
Story by: Léon Degrelle
As much as I love Russell Crowe, I still have to go with Iron Man in this. No matter how many Oscar Winning and Oscar Nominated actors a producer puts in a's the general public that decides the fate of each film. I'm more of a Crowe fan myself, and will see the movie later in the week, but, I'm, only one person, and the public.......are many. By off quoting one of Russell's best films to date, "Gladiator", it is the mass and the people that make the republic....or in this case, the movie win of the week or the weeks that it remains on top of the mountain.
A movie can be a POS, but be the number one movie for one or various weeks, but fans decide.....not the critics, not the movie connoisseurs, nor movie makers.....but moviegoers themselves. So far the movie totals for Friday are in.....14 million for Iron Man2 and 13 million for Robin Hood. So far, Robin Hood is on its way to a 35-40 million dollars weekend...if all goes right.
As much as I love Russell Crowe, I still have to go with Iron Man in this. No matter how many Oscar Winning and Oscar Nominated actors a producer puts in a's the general public that decides the fate of each film. I'm more of a Crowe fan myself, and will see the movie later in the week, but, I'm, only one person, and the public.......are many. By off quoting one of Russell's best films to date, "Gladiator", it is the mass and the people that make the republic....or in this case, the movie win of the week or the weeks that it remains on top of the mountain.
A movie can be a POS, but be the number one movie for one or various weeks, but fans decide.....not the critics, not the movie connoisseurs, nor movie makers.....but moviegoers themselves. So far the movie totals for Friday are in.....14 million for Iron Man2 and 13 million for Robin Hood. So far, Robin Hood is on its way to a 35-40 million dollars weekend...if all goes right.
May 14, 2010
Italian producer/writer, Dario Argento, will be making Dracula 3D
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
Dario Argento, has promised to make this Dracula, as faithful as possible to the original Bram Stoker book as humanly possible, adding the gripping and scary book adapted to the big screen. He's well known to making strong gory and surreal movies, often involving strange close ups, uses his own voice to narrate, and placing either American or British in foreign parts of Europe that are normally terrorized by the bad guys of the region and normally places the America/Brit hero, to foil Dracula is a perfect fit for his style, and genre.
Dario Argento, has promised to make this Dracula, as faithful as possible to the original Bram Stoker book as humanly possible, adding the gripping and scary book adapted to the big screen. He's well known to making strong gory and surreal movies, often involving strange close ups, uses his own voice to narrate, and placing either American or British in foreign parts of Europe that are normally terrorized by the bad guys of the region and normally places the America/Brit hero, to foil Dracula is a perfect fit for his style, and genre.
May 13, 2010
"V" has been renewed by ABC
Story by: Sancho
Though it hasn't received the best ratings, this past Tuesday's rating was pretty good, and ABC decided to get the series back on the map....hopefully at a better timeslot though. 10 pm isn't exactly the best time for TV. The series got off with a monstrous start, then faltered a bit, with fans calling it first, as dragging on, and then as, going to fast....there's no pleasing fans. The series, has gotten a serious upgrade in storyline, as some plot do have some political hints, and even jabs at Obamacare, with the V's plan to provide healthcare and even energy to all mankind. May 18th is the season don't miss it. Cheers.
Though it hasn't received the best ratings, this past Tuesday's rating was pretty good, and ABC decided to get the series back on the map....hopefully at a better timeslot though. 10 pm isn't exactly the best time for TV. The series got off with a monstrous start, then faltered a bit, with fans calling it first, as dragging on, and then as, going to fast....there's no pleasing fans. The series, has gotten a serious upgrade in storyline, as some plot do have some political hints, and even jabs at Obamacare, with the V's plan to provide healthcare and even energy to all mankind. May 18th is the season don't miss it. Cheers.
Sam Worhtington is the new king of action movies
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
So it seems. From his early major title as the Infiltrator cyborg in the last Terminator movie, to being propelled beyond the stars as being part of the most money making movie in history in "Avatar", and his recent roles as Perseus in the "Clash of the Titans" remake. Sam, has got hislef in really good with Hollywood now as a new name for the A-list, in Hollywood. Now, Sam has a new project that he was just recently chosen for in "Quartermain", as the infamous Allan Quartemain. But instead of the movie hero being involved in either the 1800's or WWII era or anything dealing with the past, the producers Mark Verheiden who wrote the draft of the script that got development started, and now Miles Millar and Alfred Gough, the guys behind the last "Mummy Returns" flick, are setting things in the future. To add a little twist and spice to an age old character. So far, the movie will take place in the distant future, after all of humanity has left Earth and he embarks on a new adventure, in which the entire world is his for the taking. This is what we know thus far. More to come.
So it seems. From his early major title as the Infiltrator cyborg in the last Terminator movie, to being propelled beyond the stars as being part of the most money making movie in history in "Avatar", and his recent roles as Perseus in the "Clash of the Titans" remake. Sam, has got hislef in really good with Hollywood now as a new name for the A-list, in Hollywood. Now, Sam has a new project that he was just recently chosen for in "Quartermain", as the infamous Allan Quartemain. But instead of the movie hero being involved in either the 1800's or WWII era or anything dealing with the past, the producers Mark Verheiden who wrote the draft of the script that got development started, and now Miles Millar and Alfred Gough, the guys behind the last "Mummy Returns" flick, are setting things in the future. To add a little twist and spice to an age old character. So far, the movie will take place in the distant future, after all of humanity has left Earth and he embarks on a new adventure, in which the entire world is his for the taking. This is what we know thus far. More to come.
Law & Order....cancelled!!!!
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
After 20 seasons on NBC, the plug was finally pulled....and the series not renewed. Writer Dick Wolf, will have to settle a tie with Gunsmoke, as the longest televised series in history. But the cancellation of this series in paprticualr, will not affect L&O: SVU nor the new spin off, L&O: Los Angeles.
After 20 seasons on NBC, the plug was finally pulled....and the series not renewed. Writer Dick Wolf, will have to settle a tie with Gunsmoke, as the longest televised series in history. But the cancellation of this series in paprticualr, will not affect L&O: SVU nor the new spin off, L&O: Los Angeles.
Shia LeBeouf says Transformers 2 "was crap"
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
Mentioning that the movie was really big and got too big for their britches. Being a little enigmatic on the question, basically, the dependency of SFX was a bit too much. A strong storyline was needed. According to Shia, the third installment will definitely make up for the sequel's downfall in a storyline.....this time, the Tranformer's fight would be so great, that it endangers Earth's entire populace......becuase the evil Decpeticons will be targeting human's and a high human death is expected.
Mentioning that the movie was really big and got too big for their britches. Being a little enigmatic on the question, basically, the dependency of SFX was a bit too much. A strong storyline was needed. According to Shia, the third installment will definitely make up for the sequel's downfall in a storyline.....this time, the Tranformer's fight would be so great, that it endangers Earth's entire populace......becuase the evil Decpeticons will be targeting human's and a high human death is expected.
Sean Penn ordered to Anger Management classes.
Story by: Sancho
Even though the volatile actor has been in trouble with the's always been because of paparazzi's involvement. There's a certain line between, taking pics, and literally getting in the way of an actor's life. In this case, there are things that I really don't side with the actor, but getting in one's personal space and life. He does have a right to defend it.....not only as a part of the US constitution, but everyone's right. Penn was sentenced to three years probation and 36 hours of anger management sessions as part of a plea deal with prosecutors. And he was not present at the time of the ruling, but pleaded with his lawyers. On this ocassion, I do side with the actor myself. You go, and do he right thing Mr. Penn.
Even though the volatile actor has been in trouble with the's always been because of paparazzi's involvement. There's a certain line between, taking pics, and literally getting in the way of an actor's life. In this case, there are things that I really don't side with the actor, but getting in one's personal space and life. He does have a right to defend it.....not only as a part of the US constitution, but everyone's right. Penn was sentenced to three years probation and 36 hours of anger management sessions as part of a plea deal with prosecutors. And he was not present at the time of the ruling, but pleaded with his lawyers. On this ocassion, I do side with the actor myself. You go, and do he right thing Mr. Penn.
May 12, 2010
Larry King still married
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
and not divorcing form wife number 7. Congrats you sly dog you. Love ya man. And good luck. Reconciliation is better than any nasty divorce....period. And murder, is never an option, though sometimes desrved, but never the option. It is great to hear. Congrats once again, Mr. King.
and not divorcing form wife number 7. Congrats you sly dog you. Love ya man. And good luck. Reconciliation is better than any nasty divorce....period. And murder, is never an option, though sometimes desrved, but never the option. It is great to hear. Congrats once again, Mr. King.
May 11, 2010
Fright Night to be remade
Story by: Sancho
Source if remakes weren't the norm nowadays, and now this classic is going to get a makeover......and not the good kind either. This new version of has already some names for the cast. Dreamworks has released the name of who will play Charlie Brewster, and that would be Anton Yelchin (Chekov from Star Trek), Toni Collete as Charlie's mom, and Colin Farrell as Jerry Dandrige...the suave vampire, originally played by Chris Sarandon. Toni Collete, is the only name that will make this remake some justice....but Anton doesn't fit the bill, and especially Colin Ferrell. Please, suave? COlin is about as soft as sand paper toilet paper, plus he doesn't fit the role......when Chris originally played it, back in 1985, that was a good role, he was tall, dark and charming, while Farrell is neither one of those things. This is one way for Farrell getting back in Hollywood, since his acting is about as stale as 1 week old bread. Perhaps if he would upkeep himself, he would be a good choice, meaning shaving, trimming the damn eyebrows he would be a good Dandrige, but so far, he keeps himself looking like a bum, at least Chris Sarandon was great in the original.
May 10, 2010
Breaking Dawn, may be breaking in ranks.
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
Kellan Lutz and Ashley Green haven't exactly adhered fully to Summit's terms, and are also demanding more money as well. Both actors have realized that there are disparaging differences in pay. Their claims are well justified, by just looking at how much money the franchise has made over the course of 2 movies so far. Twilight turned out to be a surprise hit back in winter of 2008. Breaking Dawn will be split into 2 films, copying suit like another uber famous's a hint, the initials are : HP. But also, Summit will probably cut one of these two ladies, just to prove a point, and it won't be the only time that the Twilight franchise has replaced an actress, as Rachelle LeFevre was replaced with Bryce Dallas Howard, to portray the vampiress, Victoria in the upcoming movie, Eclipse. So what will happen? The one's holding the cards in this deck is Summit. If they replaced a character already, why would two actors make any difference, despite myself siding with both Kellan and Ashley, only because it's only fair that important supporting actors not getting a fair share of the profits. This reminds me a bit of WB, being cheap in paying Daniel Radcliffe and crew with mere peanuts, despite the first HP movie being an immediate success.
Kellan Lutz and Ashley Green haven't exactly adhered fully to Summit's terms, and are also demanding more money as well. Both actors have realized that there are disparaging differences in pay. Their claims are well justified, by just looking at how much money the franchise has made over the course of 2 movies so far. Twilight turned out to be a surprise hit back in winter of 2008. Breaking Dawn will be split into 2 films, copying suit like another uber famous's a hint, the initials are : HP. But also, Summit will probably cut one of these two ladies, just to prove a point, and it won't be the only time that the Twilight franchise has replaced an actress, as Rachelle LeFevre was replaced with Bryce Dallas Howard, to portray the vampiress, Victoria in the upcoming movie, Eclipse. So what will happen? The one's holding the cards in this deck is Summit. If they replaced a character already, why would two actors make any difference, despite myself siding with both Kellan and Ashley, only because it's only fair that important supporting actors not getting a fair share of the profits. This reminds me a bit of WB, being cheap in paying Daniel Radcliffe and crew with mere peanuts, despite the first HP movie being an immediate success.
May 9, 2010
Iron Man 2 makes good on sequel
Story by: Sancho
Actually, more than good, since it fared better than it's predecessor by about $35 millions dollars. IM2 has moved on to taking the 5th spot of movies with the best opening weekends of all time, and moves to 4th place in highest grossing films of 2010. So far, the momentum is really good for IM2, since next weeks' contenders are both Robin Hood and Shrek 4.........Shrek is expected to be the real threat for Iron Man's top spot next week, but since Shrek 3 wasn't exactly up to par with its predecessor's, I can rest assure, that Iron Man will be once again in the top spot for next week.
So far, Iron Man 2 has raked in $136.6 million in its first weekend, and over $327 million total world wide. Europe and parts of Latin America were first to receive IM2 since April 30th, sue to the World Cup taking a greater importance than cinematic entertainment, so, as not to lose money and too much revenue, producers made an early release exception to the rules.....since there are more than 2 billion soccer fans all over, and majority rules. SO far, the tally rises for IM2. If they triple their earnings, the profit, but that's how greedy Hollywood sees it. Even a 100% return is good, but they desire a 200% or more earnings to consider a movie a success.
Actually, more than good, since it fared better than it's predecessor by about $35 millions dollars. IM2 has moved on to taking the 5th spot of movies with the best opening weekends of all time, and moves to 4th place in highest grossing films of 2010. So far, the momentum is really good for IM2, since next weeks' contenders are both Robin Hood and Shrek 4.........Shrek is expected to be the real threat for Iron Man's top spot next week, but since Shrek 3 wasn't exactly up to par with its predecessor's, I can rest assure, that Iron Man will be once again in the top spot for next week.
So far, Iron Man 2 has raked in $136.6 million in its first weekend, and over $327 million total world wide. Europe and parts of Latin America were first to receive IM2 since April 30th, sue to the World Cup taking a greater importance than cinematic entertainment, so, as not to lose money and too much revenue, producers made an early release exception to the rules.....since there are more than 2 billion soccer fans all over, and majority rules. SO far, the tally rises for IM2. If they triple their earnings, the profit, but that's how greedy Hollywood sees it. Even a 100% return is good, but they desire a 200% or more earnings to consider a movie a success.
May 8, 2010
IM 2 out did its predecessor on opening night.
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
The first one, made slight over $38 million, while this current one, has made over 42 million in its opening night. According to sources, this movie has done justice to the first one.. Just minor points here...nothing more. More to follow.
The first one, made slight over $38 million, while this current one, has made over 42 million in its opening night. According to sources, this movie has done justice to the first one.. Just minor points here...nothing more. More to follow.
Iron Man en route to a $130 million weekend
Story by: Sancho
It already made over 50 mill, on Friday's opening day, and add another 7-8 mill, to the preview night. So this movie may make out well in the long run. But as far as it superseding its predecessor??? Sequels aren't always successful in that department as often, nor as good as th first, and original release. Only time will tell, but so good.
It already made over 50 mill, on Friday's opening day, and add another 7-8 mill, to the preview night. So this movie may make out well in the long run. But as far as it superseding its predecessor??? Sequels aren't always successful in that department as often, nor as good as th first, and original release. Only time will tell, but so good.
May 7, 2010
Toby Jones as Arnim Zola
Story by Léon DeGrelle
has been cast to join Captain America. With Hugo Weaving added last month or so ago, this further strengthened the movie as a great far as acting is concerned. For those that don't read up on comics.....Arnim Zola is basically your nasty mad scientist type villain, with genius level intellect and a damned good cloner too. He was the villains that often so, pestered the Avengers thorought the years. Click on the link to see for yourselves. Congrats to Marvel Studios in bringing a strong foe to the mix.
has been cast to join Captain America. With Hugo Weaving added last month or so ago, this further strengthened the movie as a great far as acting is concerned. For those that don't read up on comics.....Arnim Zola is basically your nasty mad scientist type villain, with genius level intellect and a damned good cloner too. He was the villains that often so, pestered the Avengers thorought the years. Click on the link to see for yourselves. Congrats to Marvel Studios in bringing a strong foe to the mix.
May 3, 2010
CM Punk, a true gentleman
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
According to sources, CM Punk was given a hard slap across the face by an elderly during a show. The elderly woman was taken out by security, and ejected from the Knoxville, TN house show. Even though Punk, was slapped, he was gracious enough to forgive the old woman. That is a true gentleman with a lot of self control. And still maintain his patience up, is very impressive indeed. Because of this, I respect him even more as a person, though I hate the CM Punk character, I respect Phillip Brooks, the man who portrays him. He's really good then, if he's able to get a reaction like this from fans.
According to sources, CM Punk was given a hard slap across the face by an elderly during a show. The elderly woman was taken out by security, and ejected from the Knoxville, TN house show. Even though Punk, was slapped, he was gracious enough to forgive the old woman. That is a true gentleman with a lot of self control. And still maintain his patience up, is very impressive indeed. Because of this, I respect him even more as a person, though I hate the CM Punk character, I respect Phillip Brooks, the man who portrays him. He's really good then, if he's able to get a reaction like this from fans.
Piranha 3-D trailer hits the internet
Léon DeGrelle: The first time anything dealing with these deadly fish, was back in 1978, with its less than memorable sequel. Thank again, the new generation of Hollywood writers, that want to reuse an already established name, for a quick buck, and undeserved recognition, while cheapening the namesake of classic movies, and jipping movie goers, of something original for once.
Yesenia Vega: You're old. 10 years before I was even born.
Léon: Maybe so, but I know some decent movies, when they come out.....not as well as some of the professionals, but well off, to see class and a higher category status. Piranha, wasn't the greatest of movies, but it was right after the "Jaws" fiasco. And yes, I was a toddler then.
Yesenia: You have a shitty taste in movies, and there are times that I even sit and bear to watch the movies that you like at times.
Léon: Like your tastes are any better. Chick flicks, almost all the time. And basically end up the same. Granted there have been one or two that were better than ok, but it's a type of genre that, is not to my taste. I had to deal with your choices of movies too.
Yesenia: F U man. And don't rent Jaws either....I hate sharks. I don't even want to watch this when it comes out. Looks like a POS movie to begin with.
Léon: I wasn't going to take you anyway, this is pretty much a dude movie, for the guys to see, and drink a few beers afterwards. As far as the CGI looks, it looks good, but the damn fish are just way out of line, at least in the old movie, they were real, and what they're supposed to be, and do. These look like monster cichlids on steroids.
May 2, 2010
Roman Polanski sickens me.......
Story by: Léon DeGrelle
In fact....just click on the source to get the full scoop. He's a rapist and a pedophile, and deserves what he gets....and now he's bitching about being held on "lies". Really? If those charges were lies, then why'd he flee th US and hasn't been back on US soil since the late 70's? A person doesn't flee, if he's innocent. And he fled, the same as he did when Hitler was around, as he did when Charlie Manson was around, and now running again from US justice. The nerve and arrogance of the SOB, I think he really is French for thinking that he's better than everyone else. I personally don't care because of his age, that he's no threat to anyone, but justice is all fairness. His supporters, are just plain brainwashed sheep for thinking this man is innocent of crimes, that's only because the same hasn't happened to one of these people's closest relatives. Until a female relative of thiers is drugged, raped, and sodomized, then they'll cry for justice.
Before anyone gets on my case about being an anti-Semite, I am of Jewish lineage......Sephardi Spanish Jew on my mothers side way back from my great great grandmother. I'll tell you what, had this been WW2, I would have kept the furnace burning just for this dude and threw him in, myself. I'd just pass my self of as a Spaniard, or an Italian, even a Mischling before raising any suspicion.
In fact....just click on the source to get the full scoop. He's a rapist and a pedophile, and deserves what he gets....and now he's bitching about being held on "lies". Really? If those charges were lies, then why'd he flee th US and hasn't been back on US soil since the late 70's? A person doesn't flee, if he's innocent. And he fled, the same as he did when Hitler was around, as he did when Charlie Manson was around, and now running again from US justice. The nerve and arrogance of the SOB, I think he really is French for thinking that he's better than everyone else. I personally don't care because of his age, that he's no threat to anyone, but justice is all fairness. His supporters, are just plain brainwashed sheep for thinking this man is innocent of crimes, that's only because the same hasn't happened to one of these people's closest relatives. Until a female relative of thiers is drugged, raped, and sodomized, then they'll cry for justice.
Before anyone gets on my case about being an anti-Semite, I am of Jewish lineage......Sephardi Spanish Jew on my mothers side way back from my great great grandmother. I'll tell you what, had this been WW2, I would have kept the furnace burning just for this dude and threw him in, myself. I'd just pass my self of as a Spaniard, or an Italian, even a Mischling before raising any suspicion.
Seth Green takes the plunge......
Story by: Sancho
and got married on Saturday to Clare Grant......a very attractive model, in a private, Northern California vineyard. Seth, is well known, and being the co-creator of Robot Chicken, one of the original voices in "Family Guy", and for being Scot Evil in the Austin Powers trilogy. Congats dude........hopefully it will last.
and got married on Saturday to Clare Grant......a very attractive model, in a private, Northern California vineyard. Seth, is well known, and being the co-creator of Robot Chicken, one of the original voices in "Family Guy", and for being Scot Evil in the Austin Powers trilogy. Congats dude........hopefully it will last.
Iron Man 2 makes over $100 million....worldwide

The movies has been released in 5 countries with over 6K theaters reporting in their total sums for the movie. Even Uzbekhistan is reporting in. WTF, is what I'm saying, who the hell cares for Eastern Europe anyway, the market isn't half as powerful as the US, or even the UK total for that matter.
If IM2 was able to make that sum....imagine what it will do on the US market weekend? Holy smokes, could be another record breaker for the summer flick opening weekend. I can't wait though to see this flick, since it's been 2 years since the release of the first one back in 2008, and a surprising hit, amidst the heavy hitters 2 summers ago, just in the month of May.....which had surprising hits, and surprising misses. More to come in the following week for Iron Man 2.
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